Westchester Cadet Squadron Media
Here you can find not only pictures and videos of our squadron, but you can also find helpful information such as our aircraft specs, how to identify awards and grades, Search and Rescue equipment examples, and more.
Glider Flights Compilation
A scrap-together of videos in linear order of one of the glider flights a cadet took in New Jersey.
Orientation Flight Takeoff
Three cadets of the Westchester Cadet Squadron fly with a pilot teaching them the basics of flying a Cessna 182.
Orientation Flight Landing
The pilot of a Cessna 182 teaches cadets the procedures of landing, while landing.
Rocket Launch!
To finish their Aerospace unit, cadets had to build and launch a working rocket.
Memorial Day Events 2014
Our cadets participating in various events during the Memorial Day weekend!
NY Wing Encampment 2016
Our cadets participating in the annual NY Wing Encampment at Stratton Air National Guard Base!