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Frequently Asked Questions

These are the questions we are most often asked by people wanting more information. If you have any other questions or comments, please Contact Us!

Q: How much does it cost for me to become a member?
For a Cadet to become member of the Civil Air Patrol he or she has to pay a $35.00 fee (yearly) and Senior Members pay a $70.00 (for the first year, then $60.00 for subsequent years). Most squadrons charge squadron dues, around 10$ per month. We still are not charging these dues, but we may in the near future, to help fund and promote cadet programs

Q: Do I pay for each activity? Why?
It depends, but yes, sometimes the cadets have to pay for some activities. The money goes towards food, facilities and awards. However, most activities done by the cadets are already paid for.

Q: Who is the Squadron Commander? How can I contact her?
The Squadron Commander is Capt Katherine Torres. She recieves emails sent through the contact form, and can be reached by phone at (718)684-8744.

Q: Can parents/guardians volunteer?
Yes, help is always welcomed at CAP. Volunteers are needed to help drive the cadets to a certain activity, to bring food if needed and it is always nice to have our cadets parents/guardian around. Please contact the squadron commander,
Capt Katherine Torres, for more details.

Q: When and where are the meetings?
The meetings take place currently on Fridays from 7:00-9:30 PM at American Legion Post #979 40 Bell Rd in Scarsdale, and special activities are offered on the weekends and summer.

Q: Do I wear uniforms?
Yes, the camouflage pattern Battle Dress Uniform (BDU) and the Airmen Battle Uniform (ABU) is required every meeting except for PT (physical testing/training), when PT gear expected to be worn by the cadets, or the Air Force Blues dress when asked to be worn.

Q: What is Cadet Physical Fitness, and what is it for?
Cadet Physical Fitness is one of the components of the Cadet Program. The goal of the cadet physical fitness program is to make cadets physically fit and to motivate them to develop a lifelong habit of exercising regularly. Cadets are expected to pass a fitness test in order to be promoted to a higher rank.

Q: How many cadets are in the Westchester Cadet Squadron?
There are 43 cadets currently enrolled in our squadron.

Q: Can females join CAP?
Yes, both females and males are eligible to join the Civil Air Patrol.

Q: Can I visit a meeting?
Yes you can. You will be able to see how meetings run and what types of activities are available. You should contact the Squadron Commander before a visit.

Q: Does CAP check the cadets report cards?

Not at the moment, but it is expected of cadets to be in good academic standing, and if they are having trouble in school they can ask for help from other cadets. Education comes before CAP, so if it is necessary to skip a meeting for school purposes, it will be counted as a valid excuse for absence.

Q: What if my questions weren't answered?

Please visit the National C.A.P website at or send an email through the contact form on the website

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