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Westchester Cadet Squadron Media
Here you can find not only pictures and videos of our squadron, but you can also find helpful information such as our aircraft specs, how to identify awards and grades, Search and Rescue equipment examples, and more.
Cessna 172 Skyhawk
The most common aircraft used by CAP, it is now being replaced with newer models like the C-182 Skylane.
Cessna 182 Skylane
The newest addition to the planes of CAP, the 182 Skylane for SEG also includes a state of the art Glass cockpit with full electronic instrumentation
L-23 Super Blanik
This reliable and stable glider is the most common glider used by CAP
Gippsland GA-8 Airvan
Due to its longer range and larger weight capacity, this plane is generally used for either transportation or equipment testing purposes, such as the wing-mounted ARCHER system
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