Westchester Cadet Squadron Media
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A grade that indicates the completion of the first achievement of 16 in the Civil Air Patrol Cadet Program. Requirements to obtain this grade include a 25 question test on the fundamentals of leadership and followership taken from chapter one of "Leadership for the 21st Century"; as well as a physical fitness test. Also included in promotion is attending at least one Moral Leadership session provided by the cadet's local squadron. The grade accompanies the General J. F. Curry Achievement.
Indicates completion of the second of 16 achievements in the program. Some differences though are that at this level, Cadets must pass an aerospace test based on one of six modules in the current program along with a leadership, drill and physical fitness test. Cadets also must attend at least one Moral Leadership session. The grade accompanies the General H. H. "Hap" Arnold Achievement.
Includes a leadership, aerospace, and physical fitness test with many units requiring review boards to obtain this promotion. By this time, Cadets have served at least 4 months in the program (usually more). Most Cadets take longer than that to reach this point and usually have a couple of group, wing, or other, higher level activities and experience. Senior Airmen are in essence NCO's in training. The grade accompanies the Mary Feik Achievement.
Granted alongside the Wright Brothers Award, which is the first of 5 milestone awards given in the Cadet Program. The award requires passing a comprehensive test on leadership covering the material learned over the 1st three achievements of the program along with a physical fitness test and a drill performance test, as well as a commitment of at least eight months of active membership in the Civil Air Patrol.
The sixth enlisted grade of the Civil Air Patrol cadet program. It is most often known as "Cadet Tech. Sergeant". At this rank Cadets are usually Flight Sergeants, but may also serve as element leaders instead. In the case of a shortage of Senior NCO's a Tech Sergeant may act as a squadron First Sergeant. The grade accompanies the Captain Eddie Rickenbacker Achievement.
The seventh enlisted grade of the Civil Air Patrol cadet program. At this point a Cadet becomes a Senior NCO and may be given the billet of First Sergeant, at which time a diamond is placed on the grade insignia. The grade accompanies the Charles A. Lindbergh Achievement.
the eighth enlisted grade of the Civil Air Patrol cadet program. At this rank a cadet may serve as a First Sergeant. However, it is not uncommon for a Senior Master Sergeant to be a Flight Sergeant. Rarely, but in the event that there is a shortage of commissioned officers a Senior NCO may act as a Flight Commander, commanding a group of cadets numbering usually from 8-20. The grade accompanies the General Jimmy Doolittle Achievement.
The ninth enlisted grade of the Civil Air Patrol cadet program. At this rank a Chief usually serves as a Squadron First Sergeant. However, a Chief may also be a Flight Sergeant. Lastly, like a Senior Master Sergeant, a Chief may serve as a Flight Commander if there is a shortage in officers. The grade accompanies the Dr. Robert H. Goddard Achievement.
The first cadet officer grade of the Civil Air Patrol cadet program, and second milestone award (after Cadet Staff Sergeant). In order to achieve the award, cadets must pass the comprehensive and timed Aerospace, and Leadership test, as well as passing a Cadet Physical Fitness Test, having gone to an encampment, having spent at least four months in the past grade 2 for the Armstrong and 2 for the Goddard, and participating in Moral Leadership. The grade accompanies the Billy Mitchell Award.
The grade of Cadet First Lieutenant is the second cadet officer grade of the Civil Air Patrol cadet program. The grade has no corresponding ribbon. A 1st Lt usually commands a large flight of about 15-20 cadets. At this grade they may also become a cadet executive officer. They may also serve as an aerospace education or emergency services officer.
The grade of Cadet Captain is the third cadet officer grade of the Civil Air Patrol cadet program, and also the third milestone of five in the cadet program. In order to achieve the award, cadets must pass the comprehensive and timed aerospace and leadership test, as well as passing a Cadet Physical Fitness Test, have written three Staff Duty Analyses, spent at least four months in the past grade and participated in Moral Leadership. The grade accompanies the Amelia Earhart Award.
The grade of Cadet Major is the fourth cadet officer grade of the Civil Air Patrol cadet program. The grade has no corresponding ribbon. At encampment or wing level a Cadet Major may serve as an Executive officer or Deputy Commander. He/She may also serve as a Cadet Commander at a squadron level. Also it is not uncommon for Cadet Majors and above to serve as training officers.
In order for a cadet to earn this award, the cadet must have written an essay and give a speech, as well as take the PT test. Also they must have attended a cadet officer's course such as RCLS (Regional Cadet Leadership School) like COBC (Cadet Officers Basic Course), or COS (Cadet Officers School). The grade accompanies the General Ira C. Eaker Award.
The grade of Cadet Colonel is the highest grade, and final milestone that a cadet of the Civil Air Patrol may attain. The Spaatz Exam is a comprehensive series consisting of a 60-question leadership exam (with a passing score of 80%), a 60-question aerospace exam (also with a passing score of 80%), physical fitness test consisting of three chosen events, and a moral leadership essay. The grade accompanies the General Carl A. Spaatz Award.
The criteria for Flight Officer are completion of level one (CAP Orientation, Human Relations, and Cadet Protection (CPPT) courses and submitting a FINGERPRINT CARD), three months Time In Grade (TIG) and recommendation of one’s supervisor.
For promotion to TFO, one must be under 18 years of age (and UNDER 21) and also needs to have six months TIG, and be awarded a technical rating in one of the various specialty tracks. (Example: Personnel, Cadet Programs, etc.)
For promotion to SFO, one must be over 18 years of age (and UNDER 21), and also needs to complete 18 months as a TFO, and have completed level 2: (Attend Squadron Leadership School, complete the CAP Officer course ECI Course 13 or military equivalent, and completes the requirements for a Technician rating in a specialty track (this is completed for promotion to TFO), resulting in the award of the Certificate of Proficiency.)
This is the first grade awarded to senior members upon Completing Level I of the Senior Member Training Program, Completing the Cadet Protection Program, and 6 months of active participation.
For promotion to 1st Lieutenant, one needs to have six months TIG, and be awarded a technical rating in one of the various specialty tracks. (Example: Personnel, Cadet Programs, etc.)
For promotion to Captain, one needs to complete 18 months as a 1st Lt., and have completed level 2: (Attend Squadron Leadership School, complete the CAP Officer course ECI Course 13 or military equivalent, and completes the requirements for a Technician rating in a specialty track (this is completed for promotion to 2nd Lt.), resulting in the award of the Certificate of Proficiency.)
To be a Major, one must: a. Complete Level II training. b. One year of experience in a command or staff position. c. Attain the senior rating in any specialty track. d. Attend two wing, region, or national conferences. These conferences afford CAP members abroad view of the CAP Corporation’s organization and expose them to the issues confronting CAP. e. Complete the Corporate Learning Course (CLC). f. Achieve Grover Loening Aerospace Award and three-years Time In Grade as Captain
To Achieve Lt. colonel, one must: a. complete Level III training. b. Attain a master rating in any specialty track. c. Prepare and deliver a CAPrelated presentation to a nonCAP group or prepare an aerospace manuscript for publication. d. Complete Region Staff College (RSC) e. Occupy a command or staff position for a total of 2 years of service to CAP. f. Serve as a staff member at a national, region, or wing conference g. be awarded the Paul E. Garber Award and be Maj. for 4 years
To become a Colonel, Brigadier General, or Major General, one must: a. Complete Level IV. b. Perform in a command or staff position for a total of 3 years service to CAP. c. Conduct a Level I Orientation Course and one of the following: (1) Serve in a director capacity of a SLS, CLC OR (2) Serve as a staff member for a Region Staff College or National Staff College. d. Attend National Staff College e. Achieve Gill Robb Wilson Award, the highest possible award for Senior Members
To become a Colonel, Brigadier General, or Major General, one must: a. Complete Level IV. b. Perform in a command or staff position for a total of 3 years service to CAP. c. Conduct a Level I Orientation Course and one of the following: (1) Serve in a director capacity of a SLS, CLC OR (2) Serve as a staff member for a Region Staff College or National Staff College. d. Attend National Staff College e. Achieve Gill Robb Wilson Award, the highest possible award for Senior Members
To become a Colonel, Brigadier General, or Major General, one must: a. Complete Level IV. b. Perform in a command or staff position for a total of 3 years service to CAP. c. Conduct a Level I Orientation Course and one of the following: (1) Serve in a director capacity of a SLS, CLC OR (2) Serve as a staff member for a Region Staff College or National Staff College. d. Attend National Staff College e. Achieve Gill Robb Wilson Award, the highest possible award for Senior Members